Brazilian Babywearing Conference 2018

ibcicchistory Dec 02, 2018

Henrik attended the 2nd Brazilian BW conference in October 2018 (FB post in the IBCICC forum group of Henrik)Thank you so much to Elena de Regoyos, Marcela Gonçalves and Carolina Iná for organizing and inviting me to the second Brazilian babywearing conference, which took place in the most serene surroundings of Terra Luminous October 2018. The conference turned out to be a South American babywearing community leader summit, with representatives from Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. Two most impressive international speakers Nohemi Hervada Palou and LaKeta Kemp, whose presentations and insights I thoroughly enjoyed, graced the conference. I also learned of the many diverse initiatives to spread babywearing practices in South America and was most impressed by the dedication and competence displayed. The South American babywearing community will undoubtedly become very influential in shaping the international development of babywearing consultancy. Your contributions will be most welcome and appreciated!

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