The first meeting in Antwerp in April 2015

ibcicc meetings Apr 23, 2015

The first IBCICC meeting Antwerp (23 april 2015)

In 2015, a small group of people (the self-appointed IBCICC Task Force) organized the first international IBCICC group meeting in connection to the 1st Flemish Babywearing Conference in Antwerp. In preparation for the meeting, great efforts were made to locate and invite every possible school owner/educator or association leader across the globe. Approximately 25 babywearing community stakeholders from Europe, South & North America participated in this first open discussion regarding content and direction.The meeting was held on 23 april 2015 in Antwerp. Our hope was to engage the international babywearing community in a completely open and transparent democratic process. On the meeting it was decided to create a Facebook group for IBCICC. The membership of this group was restricted to individuals who were either a babywearing community association leader or an babywearing school leader.The Antwerp meeting was probably the first organized meeting and discussion of common babywearing themes in an international forum of babywearing school leaders and babywearingconsultant association leaders.

The meeting was organised by:
Kirsten Minnen
@Henrik Norholt
Miluška Flooren van EekelenNora de Staël was also present and became one of the founding members of IBCICC.

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