covid19 Oct 21, 2020

As the COVID-19 epidemic is still ongoing throughout the world, and new information and research are released, some countries have no new cases, others are still rising, and some are trying to integrate their lives to the “new normal.”


Skin-to-skin contact has protective effects and helps thermoregulation and stabilization of other physiological parameters of the infants. It is also known to improve breastfeeding outcomes, therefore decreasing the serious morbidity and mortality associated with inappropriate breast milk substitutes. These benefits outweigh the potential danger of COVID-19 infection to the infant, which is most possibly mild.

Based on the scientific literature published up to date: for infants, the novel coronavirus risk is very low, and the symptoms are mild, compared to adults, or asymptomatic. In contrast, the consequences of being separated from their parents or deprived of body contacts can be significant.


“Mother and infant should be enabled to remain together while rooming-in throughout the day and night and practice skin-to-skin contact, including kangaroo mother care, especially immediately after birth and during the establishment of breastfeeding, whether they or their infants have suspected or confirmed COVID-19 virus infection.”

IBCICC recommends continuing the practice of close body contact and carrying as long as the parent is well enough to care for their infant. If the parent feels weak or unable to care for the child due to the symptoms, another competent caregiver should be designated.

 General practices recommended for parents:

  • Frequent and thorough hand wash and disinfection
  • Perform respiratory hygiene (sneezing and coughing into the inner part of the elbow or a tissue and disposing of them immediately)
  • Wearing masks during the isolation if infected.
  • Frequent washing infant slings and carriers as recommended, using a washing agent and the highest temperature recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Avoid renting or borrowing baby carriers, slings, or take special care in washing and disinfection.

Source: Clinical management of COVID-19, WHO Interim Guidelines, 27th May 2020

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